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45 Video Statistics You Need to Know for Marketing in 2021

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Video statistics for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn & more

Let’s start with general video statistics

  1. Video as a marketing tool growth for businesses increased from 61% in 2016 to 86% in 2021 (WyzOwl)
  2. Video as an important component of businesses’s marketing strategy gew from 78% in 2015 to 93% in 2021. (WyzOwl)
  3. The 3 most popular types of videos: Explainer Videos = 73%; Social Media Videos = 67%; Presentation Videos = 51%. Tied for 4th place are Sales and Ads videos with each at 41%. (WyzOwl)
  4. Pandemic’s impact on video – 91% of marketers responded that video became more important due to government restrictions due to the pandemic (WyzOwl)
  5. Top 3 countries with the highest penetration rate for SVoD (Subscription Video on Demand): USA at 48%; Sweden at 40%, & Canada at 37% – Norway and UK tied for 4th at approximately 36% each. (Statista)
  6. Wistia reports short-form video, 0 to 30-second long, uploads topped 4.8 million, a 100% increase since 2016. (Wistia)
  7. 3 hours and 29 minutes per day, that is the amount of TV video content consumed by adults in the US in 2020 (Source:
  8. 1 hour and 43 minutes per day, is the amount of digital video content consumed by US adults per day on other devices in 2020 (Source:
  9. Forecasts suggest US adult video consumption will decrease by 2023 – 2 hours and 51 minutes per day via TV, and 1 hour and 20 minutes per day for digital videos on other devices. (Source:
  10. People are 2x more likely to share video content with friends and family than any other kind of content. (Wyzowl).

Facebook Statistics

  1. Facebook is one of the main channels for 84% of video marketers (Source:
  2. According to, Facebook will be closer to a video-only platform/publisher by the end of the year.
  3. Approximately 85% of all videos on FB are watched on mute, with 80% of users reporting being annoyed with auto-playing videos (Source: American Press Institute)
  4. 2 to 5 minutes = the optimal video length for increased engagement. (Social Insider)
  5. Video captions that are less than 10 words increase engagement.  (Social Insider)

Instagram Statistics

  1. Average engagement rates: Carousel = 1.9%; Image = 1.7%; Video = 1.5% (Source:
  2. Approximately 90% of respondents said they do not use IGTV for their brand. (Buffer)
  3. Instagram ranks 3rd, behind FB and YouTube, for popularity with businesses for video publishing. (Buffer)
  4. Instagram TV video engagement has been and looks to continually decline. (Trust Insights)

YouTube Statistics

  1. Even though YouTube is a video publishing site, it comes in 2nd after Facebook for businesses sharing video content (Source:
  2. More than 70% of viewers say YouTube makes them aware of new brands. (YouTube)
  3. YouTube viewers responded they are twice as likely to buy a product or service they watched on the site. (Source:
  4. According to YouTube, their site is 4 times more likely to be used by viewers to research brand, product or service information . (YouTube)
  5. 90%+ of webinar marketers enjoyed success using YouTube. (Wyzowl)

LinkedIn Statistics

  1. Some data suggests videos posted on LinkedIn get shared 20 times or more than any other content. (Source: Buffer)
  2. The percentage of respondents who at least moderately agree that LinkedIn protects their privacy and data is 73%, outperforming Facebook in that metric by 20-points. (Source: Hootsuite)
  3. In 2021, 50%+ of US marketers will use LinkedIn (Source: Hootsuite)
  4. The percentage of video marketers who plan to use LinkedIn in their marketing strategy will drop 3% to 63% in 2021. (Wyzowl)
  5. LinkedIn users are approximately 20 times more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post. (LinkedIn)
  6. (84% of video marketers say videos on LinkedIn are effective in growing their business online. (LinkedIn)

TikTok Statistics

  1. Adult US TikTok users spend 33 minutes average per day in 2020, which is more time spent than on either SnapChat or Instagram.  (eMarketer)
  2. TikTok is expected to be used by 20% of video marketers in 202. 1(Wyzowl)
  3. Users on this app spend 850+ minutes per month (14+ hours) on the app (Source: InfluencerMarketingHub)
  4. Posts have the highest social media engagement rate(Source: InfluencerMarketingHub)

SnapChat Statistics

  1. 18 million daily video views on Snapchat (Source: WallarooMedia)
  2. 48% of users are aged 15 to 25 years
  3. Women are a slightly larger user group than men, 57.4% v 40.9%
  4. The top-3 countries with Snapchat users are USA (108M), India (74M) and France (25M).
  5. There are approximately 14 BILLION daily video views (Source:

Livestream Statistics

  1. 80% of US adults prefer watching live video from a brand over reading a blog (Source: LiveStream – for all 6 stats)
  2. Percentage of US adults who purchased a ticket to a similar event after watching a livestream = 67%
  3. Behind the scenes content is a driver for 87% of US adults to watch a video
  4. Nearly half of US adult respondents said they would pay for live video by, from, about their favorite speaker, performer or team.
  5. Two-thirds of US adult respondents say quality is the most important factor for watching a livestream.
  6. Top-3 platforms per US adult respondents for live streaming video, in order from 1st to 3rd: YouTube (70%), FB Live (66%), LiveStream (45%)

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