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10 Tips and Ideas to Fill Unproductive Time with Productive Activity During the Coronavirus Economy

1. Declutter your office – hardcopy files and digital files

If you work from a home office, or can get into your regular office, now is a time of opportunity to declutter and organize your office files. Toss out what is not needed. Organize what is needed. Make your space an environment conducive to productivity and success!

2. Focus on strengthening or developing your relationship with your local business community on social media

Promote activities and efforts going on with local businesses and organizations. Besides being a team player, this will position you as an important member of the community and may provide some ROI on your efforts. At a minimum, it’s a really solid thing to do – being helpful during a time that is challenging for most.

Here’s an example of members of our local community who are reaching out to help residents of a nursing home. Giving them additional exposure, or even helping their cause, is a great way to foster a tight sense of community –> FB post.  See the intro video for the campaign here.

3. Stay connected – Send a card, email or message to past and current clients.

This is straightforward and a card, email or message will go a long way, plus it’s just a nice thing to do, at any time.

4. Engage or double-down on business networking – online

Many business networking groups are continuing their meetings online via Zoom, Hangouts, Skype or other tools. Many are also increasing their outreach to get more business people involved. Business networking is a tremendous opportunity to develop great relationships that may pay dividends down the road. Stay engaged!

One business networking organization that is seeing an increase in participation is a Connecticut-based organization, the Breakfast Club Networking Group.

5. Analyze your market(s) – there are businesses and organizations that are spending money during this time!

Yes many, if not a majority of, small businesses are getting hammered, but there are businesses and organizations that continue to spend and invest, which presents opportunities.

​One organization you may want to explore is state and local government. They already budgeted for projects and they are going to spend those budgets. Be aware, though, that bidding on government contracts can be time consuming and costly, but it can pay off.

6. Go through your business’s online assets and listings – website, social channels, etc

Now is a great time to update your website, write some articles, review your social media accounts, and ensure your online business listings are up-to-date and accurate. AKA – Digital housecleaning.

7. Review and update your financial forecasts and your financial reporting systems.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s not for too many business owners and marketers, including self-employed.  If you haven’t adjusted your sales and expense forecasts, accounting for this coronavirus economy and market – you DO have a sales and expense forecast right? – then get on it right away! If you need help and you have some available budget, speak with an accountant if you need help.

This is also a good time to review your financial reporting. If don’t have a system that provides you with a financial health snapshot for your business, then look into one. Quickbooks and Xero and other accounting applications, have these built into them. If you’re doing by spreadsheet, either build some report or consider moving to an accounting app.

8. Go through that To-Do list of items that accumulated.

There are probably items on that list that are no longer relevant. There may be items that deserve a higher priority now. Whatever the case, go through the list and perhaps evaluate your system of capturing To-Do’s and how you catalog and prioritize them.

9. Review and update your business plan and budgets for the year.

This coronavirus economy is markedly different from the economy that preceded it. The post-coronavirus economy is going to be markedly different from both. You need to review and update your plans and budgets.

10. Stay in contact with your local and state elected representatives – You do have a voice and they need to hear from you.

These are people that are deliberating on decisions that will have impact you, your work and your business/organization. They need to hear from you.  You may not believe it makes a difference, but they do listen and you can influence their decision making.

They don’t know what they don’t know. That’s why communicating with them is so important. When you communicate with them, they are being given more information

​You can opt to not act on this tip, and that is A-OK. Just know that others are communicating with your elected representatives.

If you have tips to share, please comment below.  Feel free to share this article with friends, family and business associates.

We at Digital Marketing Partner wish you good health and success!

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