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Free eBook: Podcasting Starter’s Guide

This completely free resource, “Small Business Podcasting: The Ultimate Starter’s Guide” (by ReminderMedia) is a must-read if you are interested in podcasting.

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Learn all the basics necessary to create your own podcast for your business with this free ebook podcasting starter’s guide.

“Podcasts are a great way to provide value, establish expertise, and draw in customers. This is important, because people buy from businesses they admire, believe in, and trust.” – ReminderMedia

Inside this free e-book you will find information on:

  • How to create a podcast
  • Repurposing podcast content for other uses on other platforms
  • Leveraging your podcast to help grow your brand and market

The e-book is available for a quick and easy download from our Google page, requiring no information from you. It is literally 100% free, courtesy of our friends at ReminderMedia.

What is a Podcast?

Podcasts are episodes of an audio program available on the internet. Think of them as radio shows, primarily “talk radio”, that is not broadcast over airwaves but rather streamed over the internet. People are able to subscribe to a podcast show, allowing them to be notified when a new episode is available.

One of the key differentiators between a podcast and a terrestrial radio show is that a podcast episode can be listened to by anyone, at any time, versus a radio show that plays once at a specified time.

A podcast show can be accessed on your own website, but this will likely miss the subscription service offered by podcast hosting providers like, Apple, SimpleCast, BuzzSprout, Spreaker – there are many options, and many offer free limited plans.

If your ready to learn more, get the free ebook podcasting starter’s guide!

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