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If you spend hours per week dealing with email, it is time for taming your email inbox!
The average American spends at least 13 hours per week checking and dealing with emails. That is the equivalent of over 1.5 days per week spent just on email. That is insane! To put it in another perspective, that equates to a 2-week vacation per year.
Let’s reclaim most of that time back for more productive or important activities.
Related Articles: “Email Dungeons and the Keys to be Free“ and “Content Shock – One Option for Help“
Our big goal is to hit “Inbox Zero“. What is it? Basically, it means there are no emails sitting in your inbox at the end of the day, or at any time you set in your workday.
“But I get hundreds (or even thousands) of emails every day!”
Email is a powerful and convenient communication tool. However, for most people it becomes a unruly to-do list of things others want done from you. That’s not even counting all the other time-wasting emails like solicitations, or those nearly unforgivable and unnecessary”Reply-All” responses. Face it, a lot of people are undisciplined in their use of email, which means email clutter, distraction and time-wasted for you.
One simple, yet powerful, discipline you can take is train your contacts to expect that you check and respond emails once, but not more that twice, per day as a rule, at set times. Inform everyone you email by placing that policy statement under your signature line.
“In order to best serve my customers, I review and respond to emails only at noon and at 4:30 PM. If you have an urgent need for a response, please phone me at 888.555.1212.”
— Jane Doe
Another step you can take is adding some intelligence to your email app by using filters and rules. Review your email app provider’s documentation to learn how to do this with your email system.
The Easiest Way to Save Hours per Week and Get Your Email to Work For You
Use an automated inbox management tool. We have been using this application for years and, with the implementation of set times during the day for emails, saved countless hours managing email and converted email from something that demands time to a system that works proactively for us.
An automated inbox management tool uses A.I. to enhance your email system, and you continue using whatever email client you enjoy. The A.I. learns what messages are important and which shouldn’t be in your inbox. They use smart folders to streamline your email management, as well as snooze abilities, reminders if someone didn’t respond to you, reminder emails to yourself, and so much more.
The best part of this app is that it is mostly automated and the longer you use your email – as you normally would – the smarter the app gets and the more time you save!
This is an example of an actual user’s time-savings using an automated inbox management tool – Notice the Inbox stat!
Learn more about an automated inbox management tool or give it a try for 14 days, free (no CC required.) Their home page has a great video demonstrating how this works. Companies like Adidas, eBay, Shopify, and LinkedIn use an automated inbox management tool, and it is a great tool for small-to-medium businesses, too.
The team at Digital Marketing Partner reclaimed countless hours that we now apply to our work for our clients. They appreciate the added attention, and we appreciate enjoying inbox zero!
Digital Marketing Partner is proud to be a SaneBox customer and affiliate partner. We receive a small compensation if you sign up using the affiliate link. However, it is our hope that you reclaim lost hours from email and encourage you to check out SaneBox without using our affiliate link. Simply go to Here’s to an extra 2+ weeks per year reclaimed for what matters!