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Google Offering Help for Small Businesses

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During International Small Business Week, Google Launched Resources to Provide Help for Small Businesses

Available for small businesses are digital tools and guides, tips to help succeed online, free workshops, curated small business relevant YouTube content, free educational lessons for getting and growing a business online, and even suggestions for individuals to help them support their favorite small businesses.

You can start by selecting the appropriate digital path. Find Help for Your Business or Provide Help for Your Favorite Small Business.

(Owners) Get Help for Your Business

Did you know approximately 60% of consumers in the U.S. say it is important to them to support small, family-owned or local businesses?

Source: Google (4/22/21-4/25/21)

Free Guide: Tips for Succeeding Online (Retail, Service, Restaurant, Other)

Some of the suggestions in their guide are:

  1. Be found on Google with their free Business Profile
  2. Build a website
  3. Create a business email address (Gmail, or Contact DMP about a custom email address)
  4. Email and Social Media marketing

Free On Demand Workshops

Here are examples of recent workshops:

Small Business Day Free Workshops

Personalized Tips for Standing Out on Google

Free Educational Resources, for example:

(Individuals) Give Help for a Business

  • Share Your Favorite Business(s) on Social – Download the Kit
    Here are some of the cool graphics provided in the Zip download kit:
GIF image - small business magic

If you are a small business owner and have no spare time to learn any or all of this, get in touch with us. We can help you!

If you’re not sure what or where you need help with regards to your marketing or advertising, consider our popular marketing coaching subscription, or simply use our contact form requesting assistance.

Page image - The Entrepreneurs Guild Podcast

DMP Founder and President, Robert Kwasnicki, talks about entrepreneurship, start-ups and small businesses during an interview episode on The Entrepreneurs’ Guild.

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